Why does it appear that the theory of evolution and the Genesis account of creation are at odds?
Simple genealogical math gives us a total of less than 6,000 years since God created Adam and Eve
as described in Genesis, yet Science tells us the fossil records go back 3.6 billion
years? How can we reconcile this paradox? See History: Life Evolves and Early Man Before Adam.
Why do we have so many religions? Three true religions, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, believe in reincarnation. Three other
true religions, Judaism, Christianity and Sufism believe in a resurrection. How
can they both be right? These and other paradoxes can be explained if you have the missing
The reason we can't reconcile the theory of evolution with the Genesis account of creation, or the apparent contradiction of reincarnation and a resurrection is because of one simple yet key piece of information. This website provides that missing piece of information.
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The Story: It started with Lydia. She used The Torah Codes to prove God existed during a debate on evolution vs creation. This leads Chester to an unlikely trip to India where he has adventures and experiences with the Master of an Understanding that transcends time.