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The Science of Immortality
Whoever rests inside these truths shall taste Life. The One who comprehends these sayings shall never taste death but shall feast on life everlasting.
To feast on Life one must seek until the true bread of life is found. And when it is found and has been consumed within, you will be troubled and then you will be dismayed. Afterwards astonishment and amazement will reign. And after astonishment and amazement comes the Knowing which leads to the rulership of all!
Do not seek the feast in the sky for it is not a feast for the birds. And do not seek the feast in the sea for it is not a feast for fishes. Instead the feast is within and she has set a lovely table for you. And when your inside is like your outside you may dine with her.
When you come to know yourself you shall know the riches of the Kingdom of GOD and you will discover you are a child of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourself you are like the prince who forgot he was the son of the King. His enemies keep the knowledge of his inheritance from him so he lives in poverty, ignorance and sorrow.
In the Kingdom of GOD, a being of only seven days will know as much about life as the man who has lived 77,000 days. Once the many become remembered and the first become the last, then they will become one alone.
Recognize your inner sight so that you may see what others cannot. Use your inner sight so that the Knowing will show you all knowledge and wisdom. Even No-Thing shall not be hidden. The deepest mysteries will be revealed and all answers shall pour forth.
The truth is for those free of the world. The truth is found where there is no lust. The truth lives where there is no hate. The truth is found where there is no falseness. The Truth is a gift to those who don't steal. THE TRUTH SEES ALL AND NOTHING IS HIDDEN FROM THE TRUTH.
Consider the story of the blessed and cursed lions who were both hungry and wanted to feast at the table of eternal life. When the wise lion came to the man who guarded the gate, he saw the guard was hungry and close to death. In his wisdom the lion gave his life unto the man and the man did eat the lion and lived. When the cursed lion came to the gate and saw the man was no longer guarding the gate but was asleep after eating a large meal, he killed and ate the man. The one who trys to gain a life will lose it and who is willing to give his life will gain life everlasting. He who has ears let him listen.
GOD is one without a second, absolute and indivisible. Though impersonal, beyond name and form, GOD assumes various personal forms to reveal itself to us. GOD is our soul. We are primarily consciousness, part of the cosmic consciousness.
All of the incarnations (manifestations of GOD on Earth) are actual embodiments of Divinity. No one incarnation can be regarded as the only manifestation of that Divinity.
There is no accident in the cosmic universe. Human destiny is governed by the law of cause and effect.
We are born on earth repeatedly to finish the unfinished work of realizing our divinity. Although we suffer because of actions, we can control ourselves and hence our destiny.
There is a higher state of consciousness which can be achieved in this human birth.
There are many ways to achieve union with GOD, through the intellect, emotions, actions, and the will. A specific path or a combination should be followed to realize the aim and objectives of life.
Eternal life is achieved through self effort. No one can do it for you. However, we are here to show you how to realize GOD within by the practice of certain methods, called Yogas, which channel the tendencies we already possess and lead us to GOD. The ideal is to practice a harmonious balance of these four yogas:
Bhakti Yoga: This is the cultivation of a devotional relationship with GOD through prayer, ritual and worship. In this practice, the human emotions are give a "GODward turn." Their energy is used in search for GOD within.
Jnana Yoga: This Yoga is the approach to GOD through discrimination and reason. The goal is freedom. All of our miseries in life are caused by seeing difference, and so the jnana yogi tries to break through this delusion by seeing GOD everywhere.
Karma Yoga: The path to GOD through selfless service to others is Karma Yoga. By working in this spirit, the GOD within each person is worshipped.
Raja Yoga: This is sometimes called the yoga of meditation. It is the soul of all the yogas. The emphasis here is on attuning the mind to GOD and truth through concentration and mediation.
More on Yoga:
Bhakti Yoga:
Bhakti is a Yoga of devotion or complete faith. This faith is generally in the GOD or supreme consciousness in any of the forms. It may be Lord Rama, Krishna, Christ, Buddha etc. It may be a Guru for his disciples. The Narada's Bhakti Sutras of Spiritual Devotion are the heart and soul of the path of spiritual devotion.
Important thing is the person interested in following this path should have very strong emotional bond with the object of faith. The flow of emotional energy is directed to this object. Mostly people suppress their emotions and that often reflects in the form of physical and mental disorders. This Bhakti Yoga releases those suppressed emotions and brings the purification of inner self.
Continuous meditation of GOD or object of faith gradually decrease the ego of the practitioner, which further prevents new distractions, fickleness or even pain and induces strong bonds of love. Slowly the practitioner looses the self identity and becomes one with the object of faith, this is a state of self realization.
Karma Yoga:
Karma Yoga is a path of devotion to the work. One looses his identity while working, only selfless work remains. This state is very difficult to achieve. Generally some rewards or incentives or outcome follows the work and one is attached to this reward or incentive. This is not the Karma Yoga. Non-attachment with the work and becoming the perfect instrument of the super consciousness in this manifested universe is the ultimate aim of Karma Yoga.
In the initial stages of Karma Yoga, individual possesses strong sense of ego and consciously or unconsciously he is attached to the fruits of his efforts or at least praise or recognition but by continuous involvement in the work and change in mental attitude, one can surely disassociate himself from the ego and his own personality.
In this state the work becomes worship to the GOD, it becomes spiritual, also the individual becomes expert, skilled and Yogi. He achieves stability of mind in all conditions, he is not disturbed or excited or happy in any of the situations. He becomes divine & his actions represent GOD's will.
The essence of Karma Yoga as extracted from 'Bhagvad Gita' says: The world confined in its own activity except when actions are performed as worship of GOD. Therefore one must perform every action sacramentally and be free of your attachments to the results.
Ashtanga Yoga (Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga - Eight Fold Path)
See The Sutras of Patanjali
Jnana Yoga:
Jnana Yoga is the process of converting intellectual knowledge into practical wisdom. It is a discovery of human dharma in relation to nature and the universe. Jnana Yoga is described by tradition as a means to obtain the highest meditative state and inner knowledge.
Jnana literally means 'knowledge', but in the context of yoga it means the process of meditative awareness which leads to illuminative wisdom. It is not a method by which we try to find rational answers to eternal questions, rather it is a part of meditation leading to self-enquiry and self-realisation.
Some of the components of Jnana Yoga are:
Not believing but realising
Self-awareness leading to self-analysis
Experiencing knowledge
Realising the personal nature
Developing intuitive wisdom
Experiencing inner unity
Hatha Yoga
The term Hatha Yoga has been commonly used to describe the practice of asana (postures). The syllable 'ha' denotes the pranic (vital) force governing the physical body and 'tha' denotes the chitta (mental) force thus making Hatha Yoga a catalyst to an awakening of the two energies that govern our lives. More correctly the techniques described in Hatha Yoga harmonise and purify the body systems and focus the mind in preparation for more advanced chakra and kundalini practices.
The Hatha Yoga system includes asana along with the six shatkarmas (physical and mental detox techniques), mudras and bandhas (psycho-physiological energy release techniques) and pranic awakening practices. Fine tuning of the human personality at increasingly subtle levels leads to higher states of awareness and meditation.
Kundalini Yoga (From the Tantras)
This system of Yoga is concerned with awakening of the psychic centers or chakras, which exists in every individual. (Please refer to the figure) There are SEVEN main chakras in the human being.
The mind is made up of different subtle layers. Each of these layers progressively are associated with the higher levels of consciousness. Each of these levels are related to the different chakra or psychic center located throughout the psychic body. There are no of other chakras apart from the seven main, which are associated with planes below the human level. In all we have chakras that connect us to animal levels of mind, to the instinctive realms of being or to the sublime heights of consciousness.
In Kundalini Yoga, higher-level chakras are awakened and also the activities associated with these higher psychic centers.
The basic method of awakening involves deep concentration on these chakras and forcing their arousal. Asanas, pranayama, mudra and bandha and other forms of Yoga such as Mantra Yoga are also used to stimulate the awakening.
Kriya Yoga
The word kriya means 'activity' or 'movement' and refers to the activity or movement of consciousness. Kriya also refers to a type of practical or preliminary practice leading to total union, the final result of practice. Kriya Yoga does not curb mental fluctuations but purposely creates activity and awakening in consciousness. In this way all faculties are harmonised and flower into their fullest potential.
Kriya Yoga originated in antiquity and evolved over time through practise and experience. The full form of Kriya Yoga consists of over 70 kriyas out of which only 20 or so are commonly known.
The kriya practices are inscribed in numerous tantric texts written in Sanskrit. To date only a few of these have been translated into other languages: The most authoritative magna opus on the subject of Kriya.
The practices of Kriya Yoga were propagated by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from secret teachings described in the Yoga and Tantra Shastras. The kriyas, as taught by Satyananda Yoga™, are one of only two systems of Kriya Yoga recognized the world over, the other being that of Paramahamsa Yogananda.
Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga usually refers to the system of yoga that is described in the The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In this ancient text Sage Patanjali describes eight stages of yoga which are known collectively as Raja Yoga.
Raja Yoga is a comprehensive yoga system which deals with the refinement of human behaviour and personality through the practice of the yamas (restraint) and niyamas (disciplines); attainment of physical health and vitality through asanas (postures) and pranayamas (pranic breathing techniques); management of mental and emotional conflicts and development of awareness and concentration through pratyahara (sensory withdrawal) and dharana (concentration); and developing the creative aspect of consciousness for transcendental awareness through dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption in the universal identity).
Kashmir Shavism
Trika Shaivism is a form of Hindu religion that believes in one God, which they call ParamaShiva, who creates the universe within Himself out of his own pure cosmic conscious Being.
ParamaShiva literally means "Supreme Auspiciousness". He is considered to be essentially pure infinite featureless consciousness (called Shiva). But this Shiva aspect has an active creative side called Shakti. It is this ever-active Shakti that creates, operates, and destroys endless universes.
Our own consciousness, which appears so tiny and limited, is not just a part of the cosmic consciousness, but actually is the supreme consciousness in total! It just appears small and limited due to creative activity of supreme conscious Shakti which has a veiling deluding aspect (Maya Shakti). It is through this veiling deluding power that Shakti then transforms the supreme conscious experience into the experience of infinite finite conscious beings inhabiting different limited non-sentient universes. The discovery and overcoming of this Maya Shakti is then the key to spiritual liberation - the realization of one's own true nature and complete liberation from the wheel of Karma - of life and death. This process whereby the Supreme Consciousness hides from itself through its own veiling power, and then liberates itself through seeing itself as it really is, is described in 36 steps (or Tattva-s) of conscious creativity and delusion and liberation. These 36 steps, or principles of creation are actually part of a larger system of contemplation (called Sadadhvan) which fits the "principles of creation" into a framework that includes on the one hand the actual worlds that are created, and on the other hand, the subjective processes by which non-conscious worlds emerge from supremely pure cosmic consciousness.
Trika Shaivism does not consider anything to be good or bad per se, but instead as only being part of the ongoing creative activity of that pure infinite consciousness. But within this process behavior does lead to consequences. Thus good behaviors that help others (for example) leads to mental and physical freedom and power in this life or future lives, whereas bad behaviors would lead to increasing physical and mental bondage and limitation (called the Law of Karma). But the most important activity is realization of one's own true identity with the supreme consciousness which leads to spiritual liberation which is complete freedom from the wheel of life and death.
Swami Lakshmanjoo was the last living master of Kashmir Shaivism and taught that in order to create this universe, Lord Shiva conceals his nature by
manifesting himself in an infinite variety of beings. Here he loses himself in the drama of life. Then, by his own sweet will, he reveals his true nature and elevates himself again to the state of Shiva. This is known as the Dance of Shiva.
Your life is your part in this awesome Cosmic Dance. Your birth begins with your God Consciousness hid from you. If you have not discovered your unlimited potential in this life you will die, and your soul will go to the unseen state awaiting its chance for another birth. This is the gem of knowledge known as Reincarnation.
You are a child of God because you come from God and you can return to God. Shiva and his creation are one for Shiva is the source of all existence. Lord Shiva is infinite and eternal. He is beyond limitation and yet by his independent free will (svatantrya) he has the power to appear limited. He creates the universe for his own play, without beginning or end. Since its beginning the sacred lineage of Kashmir Shaiva Masters has remained unbroken, yet due to the rise and fall of Kashmir over the past 700 years, it has been practically hidden from view.
Science of Immortality Index
Immortality: The Eternal Life
The Key to Immortality
The Words of Eternal Life
The Crown of Eternal Life
Fountain of Youth
Unknown Spiritual Blessing of Being Gay
The Great Feast of the Lord
The Dragon and The Fairy
GOD and the Atheist
GOD and the Devil
GOD and the Buddhist
The King's Diamonds
The Mountain of God
Secret Sayings of Christ
The 4 Noble Truths
Autobiography of A Yogi
The Bhagavad-Gita
The Essence of All Religion
The Gospel of Buddha
Kashmir Shaivism's 15 Verses of Wisdom
Narada's Bhakti Sutras of Spiritual Devotion
Sutras of the Seven Wisdoms
Tao Te Ching (Tao Teh Ching)
Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Visions of Sadhu Sundar Singh of India
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Healing Power of Tia Chi and Qi Gong (Qigong)
Original Christianity: A New Key to Understanding the Gospel of Thomas and Other Lost Scriptures
The Lost Secret of Death: Our Divided Souls and the Afterlife
The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche
Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 Postures of Relaxation & Rejuvenation
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