 Research Center
Christian Reincarnation Index
The controversy erupts
The doctrine of reincarnation
Scriptural support for reincarnation
More scriptural support for reincarnation
The mystery of God in humanity
The Arian controversy
The Council of Nicea
The Fifth General Council
Proof of reincarnation?
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Christian Reincarnation
The Long Forgotten Doctrine
Does it make any ultimate difference in the religious
life whether or not one believes in reincarnation? I believe there are much greater
priorities in a spiritual life than whether one does or does not accept a particular
theological tenet. Those who are still irresolute on the question of reincarnation, or
indeed those who are emphatically resolute in one direction or another, possess no special
advantage before God. The only possible advantage that the reincarnationist may claim over
those who are unresolved or opposed is that he has a reasonable and consistent theory to
account for the prenatal and postmortem life of the soul as well as an explanation for the
apparent absurdities in the dispensation of divine justice. The following are
excerpts from two great books on the subject. The first is Reincarnation for the Christian by Quincy Howe Jr.
The other is >Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity by Elizabeth Clair Prophet.
Thanks to Kevin Williams for the basic html for these pages. Source: Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife
Reincarnation for the Christian
 Quincy Howe Jr.
Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
 Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Reincarnation in Christianity
 A New Vision of the Role of Rebirth in Christian Thought
Cathars & Reincarnation