The Master instructed Chester, "God created all things
and all things were created by him.
Everything that exists or has existed was created by God.
Before the beginnings, there was and is and always will be, the Absolute Realm.
The Absolute Realm is composed of Infinity, Eternity and Awareness.
These three transcend all things and come before all else.
These three are the source of all beginnings.
These are the foundation and the sustaining of all.
All realities and planes of existence emanate from the Absolute Realm.
Pouring out of the Absolute Realm is the love and wisdom of God
toward all of his creation."
Patterns - The Three Dimensional Construct
The Master inquired Chester, "Were you going to tell me about last night's vision?
This morning you were very excited and now I'm ready to hear it."
Chester looked up and tried to remember the vision. He took a deep breath and said,
"Ok, yes, I remember I saw the Absolute
Realm in its non-dimensional completeness and I watched God creating the
first dimensional construct!"
The Master seemed keen on hearing Chester next words. "I saw a white line
suddenly pierce the dark nothingness. Then another 90 degrees to it
suddenly sprang into perspective. A third line, 90 degrees to both
of those, shined into existence. I saw the birth of three dimensions.
I can barely remember what happened next. It was so overwhelming.
God filled the space created by the three dimensions with beautiful intricate
patterns of white lines and white circles and white curls all intertwined like
visual music.
An Infinite expanse of patterns and light swirls expanded into 3 dimensions
like an explosion of ideas. I can't remember much else but the awesome joy
and delight in re-experiencing God creating the first simple, yet beautiful
patterns in the new three dimensional construct was just awesome!" Chester
stopped for a breath. "There, that is the best way I can share the vision."
"Ahhhh..." The Master smiled, "You saw the very beginnings of the
Dreams of God and of the Realm of Chaos."
The Realm of Chaos
The following is an incomplete sampling of extensive notes
Chester took while in India with the Master:
I experienced the time* God first dreamed.
The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks.
For God dreamed an Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity
multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in
one awesome Now. It was the Realm of Chaos. God began to create outside the
Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures.
For eons, Uncreated God just observed the dreams. Uncreated God was delighted when Created God began to alter their flow and pattern by
switching from observer to participant.
For God grew tired of the confusion and started controlling the dreams
until they became patterns of joy that grew with beauty, precision and majesty.
When God learned to completely control the dreams, the time of chaos was over and the
dawn of the Perfect Realm began.
* time - Actually the use of the word time here is inaccurate, but it will have to suffice for
lack of a better term. From God's perspective there is no time, only an ever changing now.
Our use of time is a way to express beginnings and ends and is used here to mark the
beginning of chaos.
Continue with History part 2.