![]() The Gospel of Buddha Preface by Paul Carus
Introduction Rejoice Samsara and Nirvana Truth the Saviour
Prince Siddhattha becomes Buddha The Bodhisatta's Birth The Ties of Life The Three Woes The Bodhisatta's Renunciation King Bimbisara The Bodhisatta's Search Uruvela, the Place of Mortification Mara, the Evil One Enlightenment The First Converts Brahma's Request
The Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness Upaka The Sermon at Benares The Sangha Yasa, the Youth of Benares Kassapa The Sermon at Rajagaha The King's Gift Sariputta and Moggallana Anathapindika The Sermon on Charity Jetavana The Three Characteristics and the Uncreate The Buddha's Father Yasodhara Rahula
Consolidation of the Buddha's religion Jivaka, the Physician The Buddha's Parents Attain Nirvana Women Admitted to the Sangha The Bhikkhus' Conduct Toward Women Visakha The Uposatha and Patimokkha The Schism The Re-establishment of Concord The Bhikkhus Rebuked Devadatta Name and Form The Goal Miracles Forbidden The Vanity of Worldliness Secrecy and Publicity The Annihilation of Suffering Avoiding the Ten Evils The Preacher's Mission
The Teacher The Dhammapada The Two Brahmans Guard the Six Quarters Simha's Question Concerning Annihilation All Existence is Spiritual Identity and Non-Identity The Buddha Omnipresent One Essence, One Law, One Aim The Lesson Given to Rahula The Sermon on Abuse The Buddha Replies to the Deva Words of Instruction Amitabha The Teacher Unknown
Parables and Stories Parables The Widow's Two Mites and the Parable of the Three Merchants The Man Born Blind The Lost Son The Giddy Fish The Cruel Crane Outwitted Four Kinds of Merit The Light of the World Luxurious Living The Communication of Bliss The Listless Fool Rescue in the Desert The Sower The Outcast The Woman at the Well The Peacemaker The Hungry Dog The Despot Vasavadatta The Marriage-Feast in Jambunada A Party in Search of a Thief In the Realm of Yamaraja The Mustard Seed Following the Master Over the Stream The Sick Bhikkhu The Patient Elephant
The Last Days The Conditions of Welfare Sariputta's Faith Pataliputta The Mirror of Truth Ambapali The Buddha's Farewell Address The Buddha Announces His Death Chunda, the Smith Metteyya The Buddha's Final Entering into Nirvana
Conclusion The Three Personalities of the Buddha The Purpose of Being The Praise of All the Buddhas
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![]() Compiled from ancient records by Paul Carus, 1894
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