Level 2

Three Intentful Corrections

What I am about to teach you is a recommended daily practice that is for sabbath keepers and non-sabbath keepers.

This effective stress relieving technique is perfect for all spiritual devotees regardless of whether you are making meditation part of your spiritual practice or not.

It is called: The Three (3) Intentful Corrections.

If you are a busy, stressed individual, you will find this practice very helpful. It is said that the sage that performs the 3 intentful corrections, 100 times a day will live forever.

Follow the following directions as you read this.

The first correction is your posture. Sit up straight, and place your feet on the floor. Balance your head over your center of gravity and make sure that your back has the natural S curve of good posture.

The second correction is breath. Take deep slow breaths. Inflate your lungs by extending the diaphram and broadening your chest. Let the air out slowly.

The third correction is done while you are maintaining good posture and taking the deep cleansing breaths. It is performed by closing your eyes and doing one of two things: If you already know how to achieve the thoughtless state, do so. If you are a meditative novice perform the following. Picture in your mind a peacful serene picture. Soft whispy clouds drigting lazily over a clear blue sky or a gentle breeze creating mild ripples over a blue lake. You get the idea. The desired effect is a peaceful moment.

If you are at work and need a quick break. Do The Three (3) Intentful Corrections for about 1 minute and then go back to your tasks. You will find it very helpful.

If you are watching TV. Mute the sound during a commercial and do The Three (3) Intentful Corrections.

The Three (3) Intentful Corrections will help you in your daily meditation also.

One of the reasons this is so effective is that the thoughtless state is very powerful soul medicine regardless of how long it lasts. If you successfully achieve the thoughtless state for 10 or 15 seconds, and do it over the course of the day enough times, you get the same benefit as if you had achieved the thoughtless state for 30 minutes straight. The thoughtless state is a timeless eternal state of awareness that helps you find your true nature.

Right now: Perform The Three (3) Intentful Corrections.

--- pause ----

Don't you feel better?

The Reluctant Master